✨ The March Fast begins this Friday ✨ We have been preparing for the upcoming March fast, and I encourage you to connect with what the Lord has initiated.
📣Many across the nation will be fasting during the month of March, and I had no idea, but the Spirit knows all things. God Himself has called a fast. 📣
We are contending for Isaiah 58:6-11 Breakthrough! The Facebook group (UP at Midnight Fast) has been created to facilitate the fasting and for the purpose of accountability, sharing fasting progress, and testimonies. Join here. Fast Dates & Times: March 1 - 31 12 am - 5 pm Fast Details: Water only during fast times. Daniel fast (or modified) outside of fast times. Eliminate sugars. Let it be sacrificial. Pray, hear, and obey for further individual fast instructions for yourself. **Consult your doctor regarding dietary restrictions. Minimum of 1 hour daily of collective Prayer and Word time. What the Lord will do from this fast will be unprecedented. #MarchMarvels
Before the fast: *Offer continual repentance. Ask the Lord to empty you of you and fill you with Him. Allow Holy Spirit to reveal offense and repent of any areas that He shines light on.
*Write out a list of 7 fasting objectives. Between now and the start of the fast, write out some fasting objectives. You will pray over your objectives daily and ask the Lord to speak to you concerning them. Make sure your objectives are not selfish and that they align with the heart of God.
During the fast: *Embrace every moment of this fast and enjoy the Holy Spirit. Every day won't be a high, but every day will be an opportunity to empty yourself and draw closer to God.
*Spend lots of time in the Word and in God's presence. Spend time praying in the Spirit and offering praises to God.
*Review your fasting objectives daily. Pray over them. Ask the Lord to speak to you concerning them. Declare scriptures over them.
*Do things outside the norm. Do what you typically would not or have not. Pray for that co-worker, client, or customer. Talk to that person in the parking lot. Call that loved one. Make space for Holy Spirit to perform marvels on your behalf.
*Keep a journal. Journal each day of the fast even if you don't feel anything significant happened. As you journal a new day's entry, go back and reread the previous days. Pray over your entries and ask the Lord to give clarity and greater revelation.
*Get an accountability partner. Encourage one another. Share weak moments only within the confines of strengthening one another. Share victories with one another. Most importantly, share the Word of God with one another.
*Share victories inside the Facebook group EVEN IF THEY SEEM SMALL TO YOU. The more you share of God's goodness, the more you allow God's goodness to work for you, and it will be drawn to you. Be faithful over small victories and testimonies, and He will make you ruler over many victories.
After the fast: *Maintain some level of commitment in your fasting life. Make it a part of your lifestyle. Don't stop.
*Even if you don't see total fulfillment of all of your fasting objectives, keep praying and keep fasting. The Lord is not done when we're done.
Let's go!!!!!